Inspiring our Youth, Engaging our Elderly, Globally

About Us Access Empowerment Council is a not-for-profit global organization created to inspire disengaged, marginalized and underrepresented youth, and engage isolated elderly,€“ globally. AEC mobilizes volunteers from across the globe to showcase our efforts through the provision of the vision, inspiration, skill sets, and specific strategies by helping communities develop sustainable solutions. Regardless of circumstances, empowering youth and the elderly will foster healthy societies. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a team to engage our elderly. We aim to empower emerging generations to live with purpose and change their world. We aim to work closely with non-profit partner organizations across the globe: local leaders, health care practitioners, teachers and youth ambassadors, all interested in one common goal- to empower emerging generations to live with purpose and change their world. They are tirelessly making long-term investments in marginalized communities, all working to make their difference. We have carefully chosen our key partners, each fully committed to share our core values of honoring dignity of children, youth and the elderly.

What Makes Us Special

Building Community